March 2012
Hearing on Mukhya Mantri Nishulk Dawa Yojana, Declining Child Sex Ratio and
Maternal and Child Health Issues Held
A state level public hearing on
various health issues was jointly organized by Prayas Chittorgarh, Jan Swasthya
Abhiyan Rajasthan, Actionaid Rajasthan and Oxfam India at RHSDP Conference
Hall, Directorate of Health Services, Rajasthan. 142 people representing about
55 civil society organizations, public health experts and human rights
activists, govt. officials and other stakeholders from almost all the districts
of the state participated in the jansuwai which largely focused on the issues
related to recently launched Mukhya Mantri Nishulk Dawa Yojana, declining child
sex ratio and maternal and child health issues in context of Rajasthan. The
Jansunwayi was held with an objective to discuss on and bring up into forefront
the current scenario, major issues and challenges
The inaugural session of the
Jansunwai was addressed by Sh. A. K. Pandey, Chief Election Commissioner,
Rajasthan and Prof. Lad Kumari Jain, Chairperson, Rajasthan State Women
Commission. Dr. Narendra Gupta from Jan Swsathya Abhiyan Rajasthan informed
participants about the objectives of the Jansunwai and said that the occassion
is a perfect platform for civil society organizations and govt. officials to
sit together and join hands to tackle major health challenges in the state. Sh.
A.K. Pandey stressed on how despite evidences of huge economic growth at
national level there is still an urgent need to deal with major health problems
and other determinants of health to improve on the social indices for overall
development. Prof. Lad Kumari Jain regarded the issues of declining child sex
ratio and female feticide as one of the most challenging social menace and
stressed that there is a need for a strong mass campaign as well as strict
implementation of PCPNDT Act .
Dr. Samit Sharma, Managing
Director, Rajasthan Medical Services Corporation chaired the session on Mukhya
Mantri Nishulk Dawa Yojana. Participants from various regions of the state
presented their testimonies, cases and personal experiences related to the
scheme and seeked answers to their queries and reddresal to their grievances.
Participants agreed that although the scheme is a great step ahead by the govt.
towards enhancing people’s access to treatment, but the present scenario puts
infront a number of challenges which act as barrier towards proper
implementation of the scheme. Cases of unavailability of medicines at health
centres and irrational prescription practices were raised by some of the
participants. Dr. Sharma informed the participants about the scheme and assured
that in the months to come the scheme will only get strengthened and the
present loopholes would certainly be overcome through joint efforts of govt and
civil society organizations. Participants also agreed that there is an urgent
need to build up a strong system of monitoring and start a mass awareness
campaign across the state to make the scheme successful.
Participants also raised issues
particularly related to declining child sex ratio and maternal and child
health. Issues of sex determination, female feticide, malnutrition, degradation
in quality of health services in public health sector, lack of human resources
etc were largely raised by participants during the discussions.Others major speakers during
the jansunwai were Sh. Rajendra Bhanawat, MD RIICO, Dr. Nirmal Gurbani, IIHMR
Jaipur, Dr. Meeta Singh, Dr. P. R. Sodani , Dean Training, IIHMR, Ms. Kavita
Srivastava, PUCL, Ms. Komal Srivastava, BGVS, Ms. Shabnam Aziz, Actionaid
Rajasthan, Dr. Dhananjay, Oxfam India, Chhaya Pachauli, Prayas.
Dr. Narendra Gupta
Prayas and Jan Swasthya Abhiyan
8- Vijay Colony,
Near Railway Station, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan India - 312 001 web: prayaschittor.org |
