
2nd International Convention-2014 of SPIC MACAY IN IIT Chennai

Inline image 1Inline image 9 Download Registration Form

  Please visit our website www.spicmacay.com to see more details about   the Convention, Registration Process and latest updates.

Registration Form

Category of Participation *

City *

State *

If Other Country, specify name of the Country

Name of Applicant *

Name of Institution / Organisation

Age *
Age as on 1st January 2014

Gender *

Email ID *

Contact Number *

Have you attended any SPIC MACAY Convention before? *
SPIC MACAY organises State/National/International Conventions every year. Have you attended any before? However, attending Conventions in the past is not the criteria for eligibility in the participation of the International Convention.

For School Students

If you are a school student, you need to fill the following section.

Name of the Accompanying Teacher (if you are a school student)
Maximum 5 students are allowed from one school, who need to be accompanied by one teacher. Registrations of the school students would not be eligible without the accompanying teacher.

Contact Number of the Teacher

Email ID of the Teacher
